Trapped in the closet full series
Trapped in the closet full series

trapped in the closet full series trapped in the closet full series

Biggs” Isley and instead of whipping out his sword cane because he’s about to catch a case, he calls his OWN SIDE-PIECE to come back to the apartment so that Mrs. Pastor: “Not as sorry as you’re going to be.” Fortunately, this pastor isn’t being played by Ronald “Mr. Pastor: “I should’ve know you’d do some bogus shit up in my house.” For a pastor, he sure does curse a lot and with NO hesitation whatsoever. Sylvester, instead of holding off the husband at gunpoint and leaving the apartment to get home to his wife, decides to stick around and explain himself as to how he ended up in bed with the man’s wife. But that’s going to be the least disturbing thing that grabs my attention during this live-blog. “He looks at the closet, I pull put my Beretta.” Kells, I’ve watched enough action movies in my lifetime to know that is NOT a Beretta you’re holding, that’s a. “You’re not Omar and this isn’t Season 5 of The Wire. Who hasn’t called my phone once despite the fact that I’ve been gone all night.” “You can’t leave, my man is about to walk through the door.” But then again…this song has 33 chapters, so I can safely say that normalcy has been abandoned a long time ago. I’m sure it isn’t normal to wear almost all of your clothes to bed after coming home from the club and having drunken sex with the woman you met the night before. Except instead of just using B-roll footage that actually shows Chicago, we get a Chicago that looks like it was made by the same model and set designers from Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood. The opening shot shows up that this is all taking place in Chicago. This is from a recent encounter on Twitter last week between myself and R. If I end up at any nearby hospitals due to severe alcohol poisoning, you know why. Kelly’s Trapped In The Closet on YouTube, which you can also watch here if you have a couple of hours to kill and care nothing about your psychological well-being. So…because I’m one of many people who is stuck at home due to this snowstorm that has shut down almost the entire East Coast and also because I’m a glutton for punishment who can’t just simply Netflix And Chill and enjoy the day off, I’m going to sit here and live-blog all thirty-three twenty-four chapters of R.

Trapped in the closet full series